The SmartScanResult object will deliver to you result of a scanned object.
It will contains
// A string containing the scanned content. Might be null if the content can't be represented as a string
// SmartDecodingTypes of the result
// SmartDecodingSubTypes of the result
// The human readable code type description
// Raw bytes as NSData. Might be useful if the content contains unprintable characters
// Only used in qr code for now. If the warning isn’t nil, there has been an issue while trying convert the data into text. You might want to use the data if there is warning.
// NSDictionary containing metadata about the result
Note on the SmartScanResult.metadata
All decoders:
- type: a text description of the type of code found in the image.
Theia decoder:
- score: plate recognition score (between 0.0 and 1.0).
- color: color of the plate (not the car).
- country: if determined, the origin of the plate.
- stage_number: the number of stages of the plate.
- plate_type: the plate type. It can take the following values:
- Swiss plates: Unknown, Agricultural, Carrier, Diplomatic, Exceptional, Garage, Military, Regular, Slow, Temporary, Utility
- All other countries: Unknown.