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Version: 4.1.1


SmartScan is a real-time video stream decoder, allowing to scan various type of content.

Depending on the version you ordered, you will be able to use it to decode any combination of the following codes :

  • 1D/2D barcodes (EAN8, EAN13, UPC, Code39, Code128, Datamatrix, databars, QRCodes, Aztec codes, ... )

  • Multiple OCR types :

    • OCR-B MRZ used on official papers (Swiss ID Cards, Swiss Passports, Swiss Driving license)
    • Swiss Inpayment Slips
    • Theia License plate (deep trained AI model)
    • Swiss and EU car plates (Deprecated in favor of Theia License plate)
  • Our decoder never stops growing, ask us about what's new in SmartScan !

Notes regarding Version 4.0.0

  • The license information are no longer embedded into the library, but provided in a separate file. This means the library no longer need to be updated at each license renewal.
  • A new plate reader based on deep learning has been developed. Compared to the legacy reader, the new reader :
    • Is approximately 30% more accurate than the legacy plate reader. Being based on deep learning, it should continue evolving toward more accuracy (no data gathering or learning is done in SmartScan library, all learning is done on our own data and offline).
    • Performs better than in challenging conditions like low visibility, blur, strong shadows.
    • Recognizes and reads more countries. This is the current list of recognized countries : ALA, ALB, AND, AUT, BEL, BGR, BIH, BLR, CHE, CYP, CZE, DEU, DNK, ESP, EST, FIN, FRA, FRO, GBG, GBJ, GBM, GBR, GIB, GEO, GRC, HRV, HUN, ITA, IRL, ISL, LIE, LTU, LUX, LVA, MCO, MDA, MKD, MLT, MNE, NLD, NOR, POL, PRT, RKS, ROU, RUS, SMR, SRB, SVK, SVN, SWE, TUR, UKR.
    • The reader now detects the separators "-" and "." and always return them.
    • Is more prone to false positives (reading general text as a plate).
    • Uses the GPU for running the models. This may lead to consuming more resources than the legacy reader on some platforms.
  • All results are now returned with a metadatacomponent. For most of them there is currently only a "type" in it (which is the equivalent of .codeDescription) But the new Theia plate model includes also a few more information about the plates. For example the country is now a metadata.